Berkshire Bank Foundation Announces Funding Opportunity

Proposals Invited to Build Capacity of Nonprofit Organizations

Pittsfield, MA – Berkshire Bank Foundation, Inc. is excited to announce a new grant opportunity to help meet the evolving needs of nonprofit organizations in communities served by Berkshire Bank. Through the Capacity Building Grant RFP, Berkshire is inviting proposals that seek to build the capacity of nonprofit organizations by providing funds for a variety of activities that will improve the organization's performance and impact. If selected, the organization will be eligible for a grant of $5,000. The mission of the bank's charitable Foundation is to strengthen and improve the quality of life in communities where Berkshire Bank or its affiliates have offices by supporting important programs that will enhance opportunities for children and adults.

Capacity building may be used to bring a nonprofit to the desired level of operational, programmatic, financial, or organizational maturity. Capacity building is not just about the capacity of a nonprofit today but about the organization's ability to deliver on its mission into the future. Project examples that will be considered include but are not limited to; the development of a communications strategy, improving program design, improving volunteer recruitment, improving corporate partnerships, technology enhancements, professional development, conference attendance and more.

"After offering this unique grant opportunity for the first time in 2017, we were overwhelmed with the response which highlighted the need for additional investments from the funding community to support capacity building in the nonprofit sector." stated Lori Gazzillo Senior Vice President & Director of Berkshire Bank Foundation. "We're pleased to again provide and expand on last year's commitment by offering additional grants this year to support this important issue. We know that these funds can help the recipients take their operations and programs to the next level."

Berkshire Bank Foundation plans to award nine $5,000 grants – one in each of Berkshire Bank's market areas. To be eligible for support, organizations must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in or directly providing services in communities served by Berkshire Bank. Organizations must also submit an application through the online process. Grant applications are now available at . The application includes basic organization and contact information as well as an open response field to address a series of questions. Deadline for applications is April 30, 2018.

All submissions will be reviewed by Berkshire Bank employees as part of their Xtraordinary Day of Service on June 5, 2018. These employees will evaluate each submission using an electronic scoring system. Each submission will be reviewed three times with the average of the scores used as the final score. The organizations with the highest score(s) will receive funding in late June 2018.

Questions about this grant opportunity should be directed to [email protected]


About Berkshire Bank Foundation

Through foundation grants to nonprofits, scholarships to students, environmental programs, and employee volunteerism, Berkshire Bank is making a difference. Each year the Foundation donates $2 million to nonprofits throughout the Bank's footprint and 100% of bank employees provide over 40,000 hours of service through their XTEAM® corporate volunteer program. Berkshire Bank was named one of Massachusetts' Most Charitable Companies by the Boston Business Journal in 2017. To learn more about Berkshire Bank Foundation, visit

About Berkshire Bank

Berkshire Hills Bancorp (NYSE: BHLB) is the parent of Berkshire Bank, America's Most Exciting Bank®. The Company, recognized for its entrepreneurial approach and distinctive culture, has $11.6 billion in assets and 113 full service branch offices in Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, Vermont, New Jersey and Pennsylvania providing personal and business banking, insurance, and wealth management services. To learn more, visit
, call 800-773-5601 or follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Berkshire Bank is the official bank of NESN's Boston Bruins coverage and the community partner of Boston Seasons at City Hall Plaza.