Sustainable Finance

Berkshire’s Sustainable Financing Framework

Stronger communities require a better approach to banking!
Berkshire’s Sustainable Financing Framework helps guide the Company’s green, social and sustainable financing activities. Our goal is to lift-up our communities by supporting important environmental and social projects aligned with our purpose and vision to be a high-performing, leading socially responsible community bank.

Sustainability Bond Report- 2023

Berkshire’s Sustainability Bond Report highlights how proceeds from its inaugural June 2022 Sustainability Bond were distributed to support projects in communities across New England and New York. Download PDF

Sustainable Financing Framework

Berkshire’s Sustainable Financing Framework (June 2022) guides the Company’s issuance of green, social and sustainable financings. Download PDF

Sustainalytics was engaged to review the Berkshire Sustainable Financing Framework and provided a Second-Party Opinion on the Framework’s environmental and social credentials and its alignment with the Sustainability Bond Guidelines (June 2021), Green Bond Principles (June 2021), and Social Bond Principles (June 2021). Download PDF