Express Overdraft Protection

Guard against those checking account ups and downs.

Cash-flow less than perfect? Your payments will still go through.

Managing your business cash-flow is a balancing act. Sometimes you have unexpected expenses. Sometimes receivables arrive behind schedule. When your business checking account is beginning to look low, we've got you covered. With Express Overdraft Protection, Berkshire Bank helps keep you on good terms with your suppliers and saves you the hassle of big overdraft fees.*

  • Protection available up to $10,000
  • Amount transferred to checking account is the same as overdraft amount
  • Avoid returned check fees from suppliers and vendors
  • Apply at any Berkshire Bank branch office
*Overdrafts are paid at the discretion of the bank, which means that we do not guarantee that we will always authorize and pay any transaction. If we do not authorize and pay an overdraft, your transaction will be declined or returned.

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